Only Silence Remains

Only Silence Remains is the second solo album of Christine Ott. Only Silence Remains is an album of great variety, instrumental (except the last track Disaster with the spoken voice of Casey Brown), from modern-classic to experimental music. Her approach on this album creates a space where the piano is the focal point and is accompanied by Ondes Martenot, harmonium, tubular bells, percussions and vintage keyboards. The album is linked to two original performances of the artist ; 24 heures de la vie d'une femme and the live soundtrack Tabu.

Only Silence Remains

Only Silence Remains is the second solo album of Christine Ott. Only Silence Remains is an album of great variety, instrumental (except the last track Disaster with the spoken voice of Casey Brown), from modern-classic to experimental music. Her approach on this album creates a space where the piano is the focal point and is accompanied by Ondes Martenot, harmonium, tubular bells, percussions and vintage keyboards. The album is linked to two original performances of the artist ; 24 heures de la vie d'une femme and the live soundtrack Tabu.