Oonops pulcher

Oonops pulcher is a tiny spider (males about 1½ mm, females 2 mm). Its six eyes are located closely together, giving the impression of only one eye. The spider is of a bleak light red, with a reddish to whitish abdomen, and found out of doors in bird nests, under stones and under tree bark, also in webs of Amaurobius and Coelotes (two spider genera from the Amaurobiidae family). Only two eggs are laid into a flat eggsac. When moving it keep its two front legs stretched, moves very slowly a few steps and then accelerates. The subspecies Oonops pulcher hispanicus (Dalmas, 1916) is found in Spain.

Oonops pulcher

Oonops pulcher is a tiny spider (males about 1½ mm, females 2 mm). Its six eyes are located closely together, giving the impression of only one eye. The spider is of a bleak light red, with a reddish to whitish abdomen, and found out of doors in bird nests, under stones and under tree bark, also in webs of Amaurobius and Coelotes (two spider genera from the Amaurobiidae family). Only two eggs are laid into a flat eggsac. When moving it keep its two front legs stretched, moves very slowly a few steps and then accelerates. The subspecies Oonops pulcher hispanicus (Dalmas, 1916) is found in Spain.