Operation Bürkl

Operation Bürkl (operacja Bürkl), or the special combat action Bürkl (specjalna akcja bojowa Bürkl), was an operation by the Polish resistance conducted on September 7, 1943. It was the second action of Operation Heads, a series of assassinations of notorious SS officers in Warsaw carried out by the Kedyw's special group Agat ("Anti-Gestapo") between 1943 and 1944, and their first success.

Operation Bürkl

Operation Bürkl (operacja Bürkl), or the special combat action Bürkl (specjalna akcja bojowa Bürkl), was an operation by the Polish resistance conducted on September 7, 1943. It was the second action of Operation Heads, a series of assassinations of notorious SS officers in Warsaw carried out by the Kedyw's special group Agat ("Anti-Gestapo") between 1943 and 1944, and their first success.