Operation Rooster 53

Operation Rooster 53 was an Israeli military operation during the War of Attrition to capture an Egyptian P-12 radar system. Often referred to as merely Operation Rooster, it was carried out on December 26 and 27, 1969. Participating forces including the Nahal Brigade's 50th battalion, the elite paratrooper reconnaissance unit Sayeret Tzanhanim, and the Israeli Air Force.

Operation Rooster 53

Operation Rooster 53 was an Israeli military operation during the War of Attrition to capture an Egyptian P-12 radar system. Often referred to as merely Operation Rooster, it was carried out on December 26 and 27, 1969. Participating forces including the Nahal Brigade's 50th battalion, the elite paratrooper reconnaissance unit Sayeret Tzanhanim, and the Israeli Air Force.