Oratory of the Good Shepherd

The Oratory of the Good Shepherd (OGS) is a dispersed international community of Anglicans, ordained and lay, bound by a common rule of celibate chastity, responsible spending and direction of life. The OGS rule calls members of the oratory to daily communion, private prayer and the offices. It encourages the labour of the mind, fellowship and the faithful stewardship of talents and resources.

Oratory of the Good Shepherd

The Oratory of the Good Shepherd (OGS) is a dispersed international community of Anglicans, ordained and lay, bound by a common rule of celibate chastity, responsible spending and direction of life. The OGS rule calls members of the oratory to daily communion, private prayer and the offices. It encourages the labour of the mind, fellowship and the faithful stewardship of talents and resources.