Palestine–Israel Journal

The Palestine–Israel Journal is an independent, non-profit, Jerusalem-based quarterly that aims to shed light on and analyze freely and critically, the complex issues dividing Israelis and Palestinians. In 2006 it was a candidate for the UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize for the Promotion of Tolerance and Non-Violence and was recognized with a mention of honor for "its outstanding contribution to this great cause". In 2012, co-editors Hillel Schenker and Ziad AbuZayyad were awarded the Outstanding Contribution to Peace Award at the eighth International Media Awards held on May 5th.

Palestine–Israel Journal

The Palestine–Israel Journal is an independent, non-profit, Jerusalem-based quarterly that aims to shed light on and analyze freely and critically, the complex issues dividing Israelis and Palestinians. In 2006 it was a candidate for the UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize for the Promotion of Tolerance and Non-Violence and was recognized with a mention of honor for "its outstanding contribution to this great cause". In 2012, co-editors Hillel Schenker and Ziad AbuZayyad were awarded the Outstanding Contribution to Peace Award at the eighth International Media Awards held on May 5th.