Paratrooper Brigade (Spain)

The Paratrooper Brigade (also known as the Airborne Brigade "Almogávares" VI or BRIPAC and formerly Airborne Light Infantry Brigade "Almogávares" VI) is an airborne brigade of the Spanish Armed Forces called Black Berets and it is one of the Polyvalent Brigades of the Land Force of the Spanish Army. Today it is considered as one of the quintessential elite units of the Spanish Army, along with the Spanish Legion.

Paratrooper Brigade (Spain)

The Paratrooper Brigade (also known as the Airborne Brigade "Almogávares" VI or BRIPAC and formerly Airborne Light Infantry Brigade "Almogávares" VI) is an airborne brigade of the Spanish Armed Forces called Black Berets and it is one of the Polyvalent Brigades of the Land Force of the Spanish Army. Today it is considered as one of the quintessential elite units of the Spanish Army, along with the Spanish Legion.