
A pargana (Hindi: परगना, parganā), also spelt 'pergunnah' during the time of the Sultanate period, Mughal times and British Raj, is a former administrative unit of the Indian subcontinent, used primarily, but not exclusively, by the Muslim kingdoms. many villages together made a pargana. for example Pune pargana . The Deshmukh and the Deshpande were the watandar officers of the pargana. The deshmukh was the chief of the Patils in pargana. The deshmukh did at pargana level, what Patil did at village level.The deshpande were the chief of all kulkarnis in the pargana.Deshpande did at pargana leve,l what Kulkarnies did at village level. Pune pargana was a big pargana. It consisted of 290 villages. There were 64 villages in the Chakan pargana.


A pargana (Hindi: परगना, parganā), also spelt 'pergunnah' during the time of the Sultanate period, Mughal times and British Raj, is a former administrative unit of the Indian subcontinent, used primarily, but not exclusively, by the Muslim kingdoms. many villages together made a pargana. for example Pune pargana . The Deshmukh and the Deshpande were the watandar officers of the pargana. The deshmukh was the chief of the Patils in pargana. The deshmukh did at pargana level, what Patil did at village level.The deshpande were the chief of all kulkarnis in the pargana.Deshpande did at pargana leve,l what Kulkarnies did at village level. Pune pargana was a big pargana. It consisted of 290 villages. There were 64 villages in the Chakan pargana.