Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Education

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Education was a junior ministerial office in the United Kingdom Government. In 1899 the Board of Education Act abolished the Committee of the Privy Council which had been responsible for education matters and instituted a new Board from 1 April 1900. The Board was headed by a President. From the appointment of the Marquess of Londonderry as President in 1902 the post of Parliamentary Secretary to the Board was established.

Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Education

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Education was a junior ministerial office in the United Kingdom Government. In 1899 the Board of Education Act abolished the Committee of the Privy Council which had been responsible for education matters and instituted a new Board from 1 April 1900. The Board was headed by a President. From the appointment of the Marquess of Londonderry as President in 1902 the post of Parliamentary Secretary to the Board was established.