Pashalik of Scutari

The Pashalik of Iskodra, or Pashalik of Shkodra, (1757-1831) was a semi-autonomous pashalik under the Ottoman empire created by the Albanian Bushati family from the previous Sanjak of Scutari, which was situated around the city of Shkodër in modern-day Albania and parts of modern-day Montenegro. At its peak during the reign of Kara Mahmud Bushati the pashalik encompassed much of Albania, large parts of Kosovo, western Macedonia and southwestern Montenegro.

Pashalik of Scutari

The Pashalik of Iskodra, or Pashalik of Shkodra, (1757-1831) was a semi-autonomous pashalik under the Ottoman empire created by the Albanian Bushati family from the previous Sanjak of Scutari, which was situated around the city of Shkodër in modern-day Albania and parts of modern-day Montenegro. At its peak during the reign of Kara Mahmud Bushati the pashalik encompassed much of Albania, large parts of Kosovo, western Macedonia and southwestern Montenegro.