Passing Fancy

Passing Fancy (出来ごころ Dekigokoro) is a 1933 silent movie produced by Shochiku Company, directed by Japanese director Yasujirō Ozu and starring Takeshi Sakamoto, Nobuko Fushimi, Den Obinata and Chouko Iida. It won the Kinema Junpo Award for best film, the second of three consecutive years an Ozu film won, following I Was Born, But... and preceding A Story of Floating Weeds. Ozu regular Chishū Ryū has a small role towards the end of the film as a fellow passenger on board a ship.

Passing Fancy

Passing Fancy (出来ごころ Dekigokoro) is a 1933 silent movie produced by Shochiku Company, directed by Japanese director Yasujirō Ozu and starring Takeshi Sakamoto, Nobuko Fushimi, Den Obinata and Chouko Iida. It won the Kinema Junpo Award for best film, the second of three consecutive years an Ozu film won, following I Was Born, But... and preceding A Story of Floating Weeds. Ozu regular Chishū Ryū has a small role towards the end of the film as a fellow passenger on board a ship.