Patriarch John I of Alexandria

John Talaia was Patriarch of Alexandria from 481 until 482. He was consecreated Patriarch of Alexandria in 481, succeeding Timothy III Salophakiolos. He was a convinced adherent of the Council of Chalcedon and refused to sign Emperor Zeno's Henoticon (which glossed over the Council of Chalcedon). Because of this, the Emperor expelled him and recognized the Miaphysite claimant Peter Mongus as the legitimate Patriarch on the condition that he would sign the Henoticon. Mongus complied and was recognized by the Patriarchs of Antioch and Constantinople.

Patriarch John I of Alexandria

John Talaia was Patriarch of Alexandria from 481 until 482. He was consecreated Patriarch of Alexandria in 481, succeeding Timothy III Salophakiolos. He was a convinced adherent of the Council of Chalcedon and refused to sign Emperor Zeno's Henoticon (which glossed over the Council of Chalcedon). Because of this, the Emperor expelled him and recognized the Miaphysite claimant Peter Mongus as the legitimate Patriarch on the condition that he would sign the Henoticon. Mongus complied and was recognized by the Patriarchs of Antioch and Constantinople.