Pauli (crater)

Pauli is a lunar impact crater that is located on the Moon's far side. It lies about halfway between the lunar equator and southern pole, across the southern rim of the larger walled plain Roche. This crater has a well-defined outer rim that is only mildly worn by impact erosion. A small crater lies on the inner side along the south, and another on the opposite face of the crater to the north. There is some slight terracing along the southeast inner wall, but the remainder displays more of a radially grooved appearance. The inner wall is narrower along the northern side where it overlies Roche.

Pauli (crater)

Pauli is a lunar impact crater that is located on the Moon's far side. It lies about halfway between the lunar equator and southern pole, across the southern rim of the larger walled plain Roche. This crater has a well-defined outer rim that is only mildly worn by impact erosion. A small crater lies on the inner side along the south, and another on the opposite face of the crater to the north. There is some slight terracing along the southeast inner wall, but the remainder displays more of a radially grooved appearance. The inner wall is narrower along the northern side where it overlies Roche.