Peaches for Monsieur le Curé

Peaches For Monsieur le Curé is a 2012 novel by the author Joanne Harris—retitled Peaches for Father Francis in the U.S.—and is the third in the series of books featuring Vianne Rocher. The first being Chocolat and the second The Lollipop Shoes. Set in France in 2010, at the beginning of Ramadan, it is the tale of two communities, culturally different, but in many ways alike, and the woman who brings them together.

Peaches for Monsieur le Curé

Peaches For Monsieur le Curé is a 2012 novel by the author Joanne Harris—retitled Peaches for Father Francis in the U.S.—and is the third in the series of books featuring Vianne Rocher. The first being Chocolat and the second The Lollipop Shoes. Set in France in 2010, at the beginning of Ramadan, it is the tale of two communities, culturally different, but in many ways alike, and the woman who brings them together.