People's Front of Abkhazia for Development and Justice

The People's Front of Abkhazia for Development and Justice held its founding congress on 24 September 2015 in Sukhumi, in which Lasha Sakania, Beslan Kamkia, Suren Roganyan and Manana Kvitsinia were elected its co-chairmen and a political council of fifteen people was established. At the time of its foundation, the People's Front had 1057 members, most of which were aged between 24 and 30.

People's Front of Abkhazia for Development and Justice

The People's Front of Abkhazia for Development and Justice held its founding congress on 24 September 2015 in Sukhumi, in which Lasha Sakania, Beslan Kamkia, Suren Roganyan and Manana Kvitsinia were elected its co-chairmen and a political council of fifteen people was established. At the time of its foundation, the People's Front had 1057 members, most of which were aged between 24 and 30.