
PeopleImages is a stock photography agency based in Cape Town, South Africa. It was created by stock photographer Yuri Arcurs to showcase "people in their diverse lifestyles" and launched in May 2012. In 2011 the site was selling two million photographs a year. In January 2015, the site had over 300,000 images of which 80,000 were exclusive to and More than half of the images were less than 2 years old, which has contributed to the success of this collection, and the site is used by press and television services.


PeopleImages is a stock photography agency based in Cape Town, South Africa. It was created by stock photographer Yuri Arcurs to showcase "people in their diverse lifestyles" and launched in May 2012. In 2011 the site was selling two million photographs a year. In January 2015, the site had over 300,000 images of which 80,000 were exclusive to and More than half of the images were less than 2 years old, which has contributed to the success of this collection, and the site is used by press and television services.