
PerspectieF – Young Christian Union (Dutch: PerspectieF – ChristenUnie-jongeren) is the youth wing of the ChristianUnion, a Christian democratic political party in the Netherlands. PerspectieF was founded on 23 September 2000 as a merger between the RPF-jongeren and GPJC, the youth organisations of the Reformatory Political Federation and the Reformed Political League. PerspectieF has about 2300 members in 2006 between 12 and 30 years old and is thus one of the largest political youth organisations in the Netherlands.


PerspectieF – Young Christian Union (Dutch: PerspectieF – ChristenUnie-jongeren) is the youth wing of the ChristianUnion, a Christian democratic political party in the Netherlands. PerspectieF was founded on 23 September 2000 as a merger between the RPF-jongeren and GPJC, the youth organisations of the Reformatory Political Federation and the Reformed Political League. PerspectieF has about 2300 members in 2006 between 12 and 30 years old and is thus one of the largest political youth organisations in the Netherlands.