Petrus Ferrandi Hispanus

Petrus Ferrandi Hispanus (died 1254×59), in Spanish Pedro Ferrando, in English sometimes Peter Ferrand or Peter of Spain, was a Dominican friar who wrote the Legenda sancti Dominici, a biography (legenda prima) of Saint Dominic of Osma, and possibly also wrote the liturgy of the saint's feast. In the early fifteenth century Friar Luis de Valladolid identified the author of the Legenda with the logician Peter of Spain, an identification which has been accepted by some modern scholars. Others reject the connection between the friar and the logician.

Petrus Ferrandi Hispanus

Petrus Ferrandi Hispanus (died 1254×59), in Spanish Pedro Ferrando, in English sometimes Peter Ferrand or Peter of Spain, was a Dominican friar who wrote the Legenda sancti Dominici, a biography (legenda prima) of Saint Dominic of Osma, and possibly also wrote the liturgy of the saint's feast. In the early fifteenth century Friar Luis de Valladolid identified the author of the Legenda with the logician Peter of Spain, an identification which has been accepted by some modern scholars. Others reject the connection between the friar and the logician.