
Phrygillus, was an ancient Greek artist, who appears to have been one of the most ancient, as well as one of the most celebrated medallists and engravers of precious stones. There is a very beautiful intaglio by him, representing Love seated and supporting himself on the ground, in the attitude of those figures of boys playing the game of astragals, which so often occurs in the works of ancient art. The form of the letters of the name ΦΡVΓΙΛΛ, the large size of the wings of the figure of Love, and the whole style of the gem, concur to show that the artist belonged to the earlier Greek school. There is also engraved upon this gem a bivalve shell, which also occurs on the coins of Syracuse ; whence it may be inferred that the artist was a Syracusan. This conjecture becomes a certainty throug


Phrygillus, was an ancient Greek artist, who appears to have been one of the most ancient, as well as one of the most celebrated medallists and engravers of precious stones. There is a very beautiful intaglio by him, representing Love seated and supporting himself on the ground, in the attitude of those figures of boys playing the game of astragals, which so often occurs in the works of ancient art. The form of the letters of the name ΦΡVΓΙΛΛ, the large size of the wings of the figure of Love, and the whole style of the gem, concur to show that the artist belonged to the earlier Greek school. There is also engraved upon this gem a bivalve shell, which also occurs on the coins of Syracuse ; whence it may be inferred that the artist was a Syracusan. This conjecture becomes a certainty throug