
PineApp is a privately held IT security company that provides email security, email archiving and web filtering (content control software) for organizations and enterprises. The products are provided as appliances or software, as well as software as a service and cloud service platforms. The company’s mail relay security includes protection from malware including viruses, Trojans, and spyware, along with anti-spam and anti-phishing. PineApp was founded in 2002, and is headquartered in Israel, with distributors in over 40 countries worldwide.


PineApp is a privately held IT security company that provides email security, email archiving and web filtering (content control software) for organizations and enterprises. The products are provided as appliances or software, as well as software as a service and cloud service platforms. The company’s mail relay security includes protection from malware including viruses, Trojans, and spyware, along with anti-spam and anti-phishing. PineApp was founded in 2002, and is headquartered in Israel, with distributors in over 40 countries worldwide.