Pink (courier service)

Pink is a courier service originally conceived by artist Jaclyn Pryor in Austin, Texas. It is a project wherein the public is invited to write messages of affection to friend, lovers, coworkers, and stranger all over the city; Pink bottles the notes and delivers them by bike all over the city in which Pink is currently in residence. Pink began over New Year's 2006-2007 in Austin. During this event, notes of love and affection written by Austinites and distributed across the city on pink paper inserted into small bottles with monogrammed tags via bicycle couriers dressed in pink.

Pink (courier service)

Pink is a courier service originally conceived by artist Jaclyn Pryor in Austin, Texas. It is a project wherein the public is invited to write messages of affection to friend, lovers, coworkers, and stranger all over the city; Pink bottles the notes and delivers them by bike all over the city in which Pink is currently in residence. Pink began over New Year's 2006-2007 in Austin. During this event, notes of love and affection written by Austinites and distributed across the city on pink paper inserted into small bottles with monogrammed tags via bicycle couriers dressed in pink.