
Platero is a little donkey, main character of Platero y yo (Spanish for Platero and I), one of Juan Ramón Jiménez's most popular works. Platero ("silvery") is described in the lyric prose of the book as a "small donkey, a soft, hairy donkey: so soft to the touch that he might be said to be made of cotton, with no bones. Only the jet mirrors of his eyes are hard like two black crystal scarabs."


Platero is a little donkey, main character of Platero y yo (Spanish for Platero and I), one of Juan Ramón Jiménez's most popular works. Platero ("silvery") is described in the lyric prose of the book as a "small donkey, a soft, hairy donkey: so soft to the touch that he might be said to be made of cotton, with no bones. Only the jet mirrors of his eyes are hard like two black crystal scarabs."