Platform for the Unity of Action

The Platform for the Unity of Action (Catalan: Plataforma per la Unitat d'Acció, PUA) was an independentist organization active between 1995 and 2000. The PUA was created by ex-members of People's Unity Assembly, the Maulets, different local political organizations and Catalunya Lliure. One of the main reasons the PUA was formed was to oppose the approaching of a sector of the Catalan independentist left to the Republican Left of Catalonia (ERC).

Platform for the Unity of Action

The Platform for the Unity of Action (Catalan: Plataforma per la Unitat d'Acció, PUA) was an independentist organization active between 1995 and 2000. The PUA was created by ex-members of People's Unity Assembly, the Maulets, different local political organizations and Catalunya Lliure. One of the main reasons the PUA was formed was to oppose the approaching of a sector of the Catalan independentist left to the Republican Left of Catalonia (ERC).