
PocketGenie was an embedded wireless application developed for two-way pagers in 1998. At the time WAP was commonplace for mobile services; PocketGenie utilized HTML and URL links. It was the first commercial wireless service for RIM (BlackBerry) and Motorola. WolfeTech was founded by Surya Jayaweera (CEO) in January 1997. Jayaweera developed PocketGenie in November 1996. Two days later, he drove to COMDEX and pitched the idea to Motorla. Its approval led to the start of WolfeTech. PocketGenie was announced to the public in 1997.


PocketGenie was an embedded wireless application developed for two-way pagers in 1998. At the time WAP was commonplace for mobile services; PocketGenie utilized HTML and URL links. It was the first commercial wireless service for RIM (BlackBerry) and Motorola. WolfeTech was founded by Surya Jayaweera (CEO) in January 1997. Jayaweera developed PocketGenie in November 1996. Two days later, he drove to COMDEX and pitched the idea to Motorla. Its approval led to the start of WolfeTech. PocketGenie was announced to the public in 1997.