Ponte del Diavolo (game)

“Ponte del Diavolo” by Martin Ebel is a board game that honors both game designer Alex Randolph and Twixt, one of Randolph's most enduring designs. In this tactical and strategic 2-player placement game players place wooden squares and bridges with the goal of building the most efficient network of "islands" (scoring the most points). Sounds simple, but it's not. With strict rules governing island size and bridge placement, Ponte del Diavolo becomes a tight game of positioning. Much like Randolph's Twixt (though a game that very much stands on its own), the need to think several moves ahead is critical to outmaneuvering your opponent.

Ponte del Diavolo (game)

“Ponte del Diavolo” by Martin Ebel is a board game that honors both game designer Alex Randolph and Twixt, one of Randolph's most enduring designs. In this tactical and strategic 2-player placement game players place wooden squares and bridges with the goal of building the most efficient network of "islands" (scoring the most points). Sounds simple, but it's not. With strict rules governing island size and bridge placement, Ponte del Diavolo becomes a tight game of positioning. Much like Randolph's Twixt (though a game that very much stands on its own), the need to think several moves ahead is critical to outmaneuvering your opponent.