
Pornophobia is an extreme dislike, hatred or fear of pornography. Nadine Strossen, former president of the American Civil Liberties Union, stated that pornophobia can be seen among pro-censorship and conservatives in her article "The Perils of Pornophobia", published in The Humanist.Many incidents have occurred at several colleges such as the University of Arizona and the University of Michigan Law School where feminist students have physically attacked exhibits of photographic self-portraits claiming that they must be taken down because these exhibits had sexual themes.


Pornophobia is an extreme dislike, hatred or fear of pornography. Nadine Strossen, former president of the American Civil Liberties Union, stated that pornophobia can be seen among pro-censorship and conservatives in her article "The Perils of Pornophobia", published in The Humanist.Many incidents have occurred at several colleges such as the University of Arizona and the University of Michigan Law School where feminist students have physically attacked exhibits of photographic self-portraits claiming that they must be taken down because these exhibits had sexual themes.