Portrait of Count Stanislas Potocki

The Portrait of Count Stanislas Potocki is a 1781 equestrian portrait of the Polish patron, politician, writer and Prime Minister of Poland Stanisław Kostka Potocki by the French painter Jacques-Louis David. It was painted in Rome when the artist and subject met during David's stay at the Villa Medici after winning the first prize for painting in the Prix de Rome, and chronologically after his Saint Roch interceding with the Virgin for the Plague-Stricken and before Belisarius begging for alms. Its equestrian format is owed to influences from Rubens.

Portrait of Count Stanislas Potocki

The Portrait of Count Stanislas Potocki is a 1781 equestrian portrait of the Polish patron, politician, writer and Prime Minister of Poland Stanisław Kostka Potocki by the French painter Jacques-Louis David. It was painted in Rome when the artist and subject met during David's stay at the Villa Medici after winning the first prize for painting in the Prix de Rome, and chronologically after his Saint Roch interceding with the Virgin for the Plague-Stricken and before Belisarius begging for alms. Its equestrian format is owed to influences from Rubens.