Portuguese local election, 1985

The Portuguese local election of 1985 took place on 15 December. This was the fourth local election in Portugal since the democratic revolution of 1974 introduced the concept of democratic local power. The Democratic and Social Center, this time participating alone in every election, after the end of the Democratic Alliance, continued its electoral decline, gathering only 10% of the voting. Despite keeping the same number of mayors achieved in 1982, in the municipalities where it ran alone, 27, the party lost 49 presidencies achieved in coalition with the Social Democrats.

Portuguese local election, 1985

The Portuguese local election of 1985 took place on 15 December. This was the fourth local election in Portugal since the democratic revolution of 1974 introduced the concept of democratic local power. The Democratic and Social Center, this time participating alone in every election, after the end of the Democratic Alliance, continued its electoral decline, gathering only 10% of the voting. Despite keeping the same number of mayors achieved in 1982, in the municipalities where it ran alone, 27, the party lost 49 presidencies achieved in coalition with the Social Democrats.