Pricing in Proportion

Pricing in Proportion is a Royal Mail postal price structure in the United Kingdom introduced on 21 August 2006. It is also used on the Isle of Man by Isle of Man Post, but not on the other island post networks Jersey Post and Guernsey Post. The system has four bands - letter, large letter, small packet and packet. The price of mail is based only on the size of the item as well as weight with no price differentiation between locations within th UK. It was started by the Royal Mail to make the pricing of mail reflect the actual cost of postage.

Pricing in Proportion

Pricing in Proportion is a Royal Mail postal price structure in the United Kingdom introduced on 21 August 2006. It is also used on the Isle of Man by Isle of Man Post, but not on the other island post networks Jersey Post and Guernsey Post. The system has four bands - letter, large letter, small packet and packet. The price of mail is based only on the size of the item as well as weight with no price differentiation between locations within th UK. It was started by the Royal Mail to make the pricing of mail reflect the actual cost of postage.