Prins Willem

The Prins Willem (Dutch pronunciation: [prɪns ˈʋɪləm]), also spelled Prins Willim, was a 17th-century East Indiaman of the Dutch East India Company. It was their largest ship at the time. The ship made its first voyage to the Dutch East Indies in 1651. After several voyages, it sank near Madagascar in 1662. A replica of the Prins Willem was built in 1985, but it was destroyed by fire in 2009.

Prins Willem

The Prins Willem (Dutch pronunciation: [prɪns ˈʋɪləm]), also spelled Prins Willim, was a 17th-century East Indiaman of the Dutch East India Company. It was their largest ship at the time. The ship made its first voyage to the Dutch East Indies in 1651. After several voyages, it sank near Madagascar in 1662. A replica of the Prins Willem was built in 1985, but it was destroyed by fire in 2009.