Professor Weston

Professor Weston (full name Edward Rolles Weston) is arguably one of C. S. Lewis's greatest satanic characters. An eminent physicist on earth, he first appears in Lewis’s Out of the Silent Planet, which is the first in Lewis’s Space Trilogy. He is defeated by the novel's protagonist Elwin Ransom and the Oyarsa, the ruling angel or eldil of Mars (known to its inhabitants as "Malacandra"), but he returns in the second book of the trilogy in an attempt to wreak havoc on Perelandra (Venus), the "new Eden."

Professor Weston

Professor Weston (full name Edward Rolles Weston) is arguably one of C. S. Lewis's greatest satanic characters. An eminent physicist on earth, he first appears in Lewis’s Out of the Silent Planet, which is the first in Lewis’s Space Trilogy. He is defeated by the novel's protagonist Elwin Ransom and the Oyarsa, the ruling angel or eldil of Mars (known to its inhabitants as "Malacandra"), but he returns in the second book of the trilogy in an attempt to wreak havoc on Perelandra (Venus), the "new Eden."