Psilocybe muliercula

Psilocybe muliercula is a species of entheogenic mushroom in the Strophariaceae family. This mushroom is native to Mexico and contains the compounds psilocybin and psilocin. It is in the section Zapotecorum, other members of this section include Psilocybe angustipleurocystidiata, Psilocybe aucklandii, Psilocybe collybioides, Psilocybe graveolens, Psilocybe kumaenorum, Psilocybe zapotecorum, Psilocybe pintonii, Psilocybe subcaerulipes, Psilocybe moseri, Psilocybe zapotecoantillarum, Psilocybe zapotecocaribaea, and Psilocybe antioquiensis.

Psilocybe muliercula

Psilocybe muliercula is a species of entheogenic mushroom in the Strophariaceae family. This mushroom is native to Mexico and contains the compounds psilocybin and psilocin. It is in the section Zapotecorum, other members of this section include Psilocybe angustipleurocystidiata, Psilocybe aucklandii, Psilocybe collybioides, Psilocybe graveolens, Psilocybe kumaenorum, Psilocybe zapotecorum, Psilocybe pintonii, Psilocybe subcaerulipes, Psilocybe moseri, Psilocybe zapotecoantillarum, Psilocybe zapotecocaribaea, and Psilocybe antioquiensis.