Puketapapa Women's Suffrage Memorial

The Puketapapa Women's Suffrage Memorial is located in Rose Park in the suburb of Three Kings, Auckland, New Zealand. It commemorates the local women who campaigned for women's suffrage. The memorial was commissioned by the Puketapapa Local Board and Auckland Council, designed by artists Matthew van Sturmer and Carmen Sosich and constructed by MvS Studio. The design is an abstract depiction of the camellia, which was a symbol of the suffrage movement in New Zealand in the nineteenth century. The base of the flower is inscribed with the names of the local women who signed the 1893 petition to Parliament requesting the vote for women.

Puketapapa Women's Suffrage Memorial

The Puketapapa Women's Suffrage Memorial is located in Rose Park in the suburb of Three Kings, Auckland, New Zealand. It commemorates the local women who campaigned for women's suffrage. The memorial was commissioned by the Puketapapa Local Board and Auckland Council, designed by artists Matthew van Sturmer and Carmen Sosich and constructed by MvS Studio. The design is an abstract depiction of the camellia, which was a symbol of the suffrage movement in New Zealand in the nineteenth century. The base of the flower is inscribed with the names of the local women who signed the 1893 petition to Parliament requesting the vote for women.