Pulloxhill Grange

Pulloxhill Grange was a priory in Bedfordshire, England. It is a Grade II listed building. In 1535, Dunstable Priory received from Woburn Abbey 5s. for land it held in Pulloxhill. In 1291, the value of the abbey's estates in Pulloxhill was £7 2s. 5d.In 1330, the abbey claimed sac and soc in Pulloxhill. In 1547, after the Dissolution of the monasteries, Pulloxhill Grange, was granted to Sir William Pagett.

Pulloxhill Grange

Pulloxhill Grange was a priory in Bedfordshire, England. It is a Grade II listed building. In 1535, Dunstable Priory received from Woburn Abbey 5s. for land it held in Pulloxhill. In 1291, the value of the abbey's estates in Pulloxhill was £7 2s. 5d.In 1330, the abbey claimed sac and soc in Pulloxhill. In 1547, after the Dissolution of the monasteries, Pulloxhill Grange, was granted to Sir William Pagett.