Putnam model

The Putnam model is an empirical software effort estimation model.The original paper by Lawrence H. Putnam published in 1978 is seen as pioneering work in the field of software process modelling.As a group, empirical models work by collecting software project data (for example, effort and size)and fitting a curve to the data. Future effort estimates are made by providing size and calculating the associated effort using the equation which fit the original data (usually with some error).

Putnam model

The Putnam model is an empirical software effort estimation model.The original paper by Lawrence H. Putnam published in 1978 is seen as pioneering work in the field of software process modelling.As a group, empirical models work by collecting software project data (for example, effort and size)and fitting a curve to the data. Future effort estimates are made by providing size and calculating the associated effort using the equation which fit the original data (usually with some error).