Queer Cyprus Association

Initiative Against Homophobia (HOKI) was established in 2007 as the first LGBTQ organisation in Cyprus north aimed to deal with criminal law amendments of TRNC which criminalises same-sex relationships. They seek equal human rights including to "fully decriminalize homosexuality, equalize the age of consent and better protect LGBTQ people under the law.” In March 2012, Initiative Against Homophobia has gone through a constitutional amendment and continues its work under its new name Queer Cyprus Association (Kuir Kıbrıs Derneği).

Queer Cyprus Association

Initiative Against Homophobia (HOKI) was established in 2007 as the first LGBTQ organisation in Cyprus north aimed to deal with criminal law amendments of TRNC which criminalises same-sex relationships. They seek equal human rights including to "fully decriminalize homosexuality, equalize the age of consent and better protect LGBTQ people under the law.” In March 2012, Initiative Against Homophobia has gone through a constitutional amendment and continues its work under its new name Queer Cyprus Association (Kuir Kıbrıs Derneği).