
QuickSpot (爽解!右脳の達人 まちがいミュージアム Unou no Tatsujin: Soukai! Machigai Museum) is a video game for the Nintendo DS developed by Namco Bandai. It is designed similar to games such as Brain Age which uses simple brain teaser to exercise reflexes and brain function. It is a part of Nintendo's Touch! Generations brand.


QuickSpot (爽解!右脳の達人 まちがいミュージアム Unou no Tatsujin: Soukai! Machigai Museum) is a video game for the Nintendo DS developed by Namco Bandai. It is designed similar to games such as Brain Age which uses simple brain teaser to exercise reflexes and brain function. It is a part of Nintendo's Touch! Generations brand.