Radio 538

Radio 538 (Dutch: vijf-drie-acht) is a Dutch commercial radio station that has evolved since 1992. "538," refers to the wavelength that Radio Veronica was broadcast on in the seventies. This station was intended for the younger generation and is owned by Talpa Holding and Telegraaf Media Groep. It has a broad variety of genres including the Top 40, dance, R&B, pop, rock and recent hits. Traditionally, the station was only obtained through cable, however in 1998 the station upgraded to a different frequency package, allowing for different frequencies by region. Radio 538 started the hip-hop and contemporary R&B program Juize, which developed into the radio station Juize.FM on 18 July 2004. Later, in 2011, Radio 538 created a sister station called TV 538.

Radio 538

Radio 538 (Dutch: vijf-drie-acht) is a Dutch commercial radio station that has evolved since 1992. "538," refers to the wavelength that Radio Veronica was broadcast on in the seventies. This station was intended for the younger generation and is owned by Talpa Holding and Telegraaf Media Groep. It has a broad variety of genres including the Top 40, dance, R&B, pop, rock and recent hits. Traditionally, the station was only obtained through cable, however in 1998 the station upgraded to a different frequency package, allowing for different frequencies by region. Radio 538 started the hip-hop and contemporary R&B program Juize, which developed into the radio station Juize.FM on 18 July 2004. Later, in 2011, Radio 538 created a sister station called TV 538.