Radio Freedom

Radio Freedom was the radio propaganda arm of the African National Congress during the anti-Apartheid struggle from the 1970s through the 1990s. It was the oldest liberation radio station in Africa. While the broadcasts were from different radio stations (including those of Tanzania, Zambia, Angola, Ethiopia, and Madagascar), their station identifications all sported the trademark introduction familiar to many from the KLF song "3 a.m. Eternal": machine-gun fire, followed by a variation of

Radio Freedom

Radio Freedom was the radio propaganda arm of the African National Congress during the anti-Apartheid struggle from the 1970s through the 1990s. It was the oldest liberation radio station in Africa. While the broadcasts were from different radio stations (including those of Tanzania, Zambia, Angola, Ethiopia, and Madagascar), their station identifications all sported the trademark introduction familiar to many from the KLF song "3 a.m. Eternal": machine-gun fire, followed by a variation of