Ragtime (code name)

Ragtime or RAGTIME is the code name of four secret surveillance programs conducted by the National Security Agency (NSA) of the United States. These programs date back to at least 2002 and were revealed in March 2013 in the book "Deep State: Inside the Government Secrecy Industry", by Marc Ambinder and D.B. Grady. These special programs are conducted under the code name RAGTIME (also abbreviated as RT), and are divided into several subcomponents. It's said that about 50 companies have provided data to this domestic collection program.

Ragtime (code name)

Ragtime or RAGTIME is the code name of four secret surveillance programs conducted by the National Security Agency (NSA) of the United States. These programs date back to at least 2002 and were revealed in March 2013 in the book "Deep State: Inside the Government Secrecy Industry", by Marc Ambinder and D.B. Grady. These special programs are conducted under the code name RAGTIME (also abbreviated as RT), and are divided into several subcomponents. It's said that about 50 companies have provided data to this domestic collection program.