
Raktamaritika is one of the lost kingdoms of Thai history. Raktamaritika is a Sanskrit name meaning red earth land, while in Chinese records it is named Chi-Tu-Guo (Chinese: 赤土国, pinyin: Chì-tǔ-guó, Chi – red, Tu – earth, Guo – country or state). The Sui Dynasty (581–618) chronicles records an advanced kingdom called Chitu in 607, when Chang Chun was sent as an ambassador there.


Raktamaritika is one of the lost kingdoms of Thai history. Raktamaritika is a Sanskrit name meaning red earth land, while in Chinese records it is named Chi-Tu-Guo (Chinese: 赤土国, pinyin: Chì-tǔ-guó, Chi – red, Tu – earth, Guo – country or state). The Sui Dynasty (581–618) chronicles records an advanced kingdom called Chitu in 607, when Chang Chun was sent as an ambassador there.