Re Drummond Wren

Re Drummond Wren [1945] O.R. 778 (Ont. H.C.) is a decision by the Ontario High Court, presided by Justice MacKay, regarding the validity of a racially motivated restrictive covenant. Drummond Wren brought forward an action to have a restrictive covenant placed on a parcel of land he owned to be declared invalid. The covenant prohibited the land to be sold to "Jews, or persons of objectionable nationality". This case pre-dates the creation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and is an example of how issues regarding human rights were considered before being expressly stated in statute.

Re Drummond Wren

Re Drummond Wren [1945] O.R. 778 (Ont. H.C.) is a decision by the Ontario High Court, presided by Justice MacKay, regarding the validity of a racially motivated restrictive covenant. Drummond Wren brought forward an action to have a restrictive covenant placed on a parcel of land he owned to be declared invalid. The covenant prohibited the land to be sold to "Jews, or persons of objectionable nationality". This case pre-dates the creation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and is an example of how issues regarding human rights were considered before being expressly stated in statute.