
Reagrupament or Reagrupament Independentista (Realignment for Independence or Independence Rally) is a political party in Catalonia, Spain, formally constituted on 3 October 2009. It is an umbrella group for various supporters of Catalan independence and the creation of a sovereign state for Catalonia. It has no representation in the Catalan Parliament. It is the most important extra-parliamentary independentist party in Catalonia. Reagrupament is led by Joan Carretero and Rut Carandell and its slogan is Independence and Democracy.


Reagrupament or Reagrupament Independentista (Realignment for Independence or Independence Rally) is a political party in Catalonia, Spain, formally constituted on 3 October 2009. It is an umbrella group for various supporters of Catalan independence and the creation of a sovereign state for Catalonia. It has no representation in the Catalan Parliament. It is the most important extra-parliamentary independentist party in Catalonia. Reagrupament is led by Joan Carretero and Rut Carandell and its slogan is Independence and Democracy.