
Rebala is a village located in Buchireddipalem mandal of Nellore district, Andhra Pradesh, India. The village is located about 11 km from Nellore city and 2 km from Buchireddipalem town on the Nellore - Mumbai high-way between Nellore and Buchireddipalem. This Village mainly lives on Agriculture, Famous for Rice, Sugarcane and Prawn ponds. The village is once rated for best literacy in Buchireddipalem mandal with about 80%. There is an Agrahara for Rebala known as Nagamambapuram.Rebala is major panchayath in Buchireddy palem having the population more than 14000.


Rebala is a village located in Buchireddipalem mandal of Nellore district, Andhra Pradesh, India. The village is located about 11 km from Nellore city and 2 km from Buchireddipalem town on the Nellore - Mumbai high-way between Nellore and Buchireddipalem. This Village mainly lives on Agriculture, Famous for Rice, Sugarcane and Prawn ponds. The village is once rated for best literacy in Buchireddipalem mandal with about 80%. There is an Agrahara for Rebala known as Nagamambapuram.Rebala is major panchayath in Buchireddy palem having the population more than 14000.