Red Baron II

Red Baron II is a computer game for the PC, developed by Dynamix and published by Sierra Entertainment. It is the follow-up to the immensely successful flight simulation Red Baron, released in 1990. Red Baron II was released in 1997. The game features four modes of play: Fly Now (A quick combat mode); Single Mission which included several missions and a mission generator to create new ones; Campaign mode, which features one of the only truly dynamic campaigns in a modern flight simulator and which replicated combat on the Western Front of Europe from 1916 through 1918; and peer to peer online play.

Red Baron II

Red Baron II is a computer game for the PC, developed by Dynamix and published by Sierra Entertainment. It is the follow-up to the immensely successful flight simulation Red Baron, released in 1990. Red Baron II was released in 1997. The game features four modes of play: Fly Now (A quick combat mode); Single Mission which included several missions and a mission generator to create new ones; Campaign mode, which features one of the only truly dynamic campaigns in a modern flight simulator and which replicated combat on the Western Front of Europe from 1916 through 1918; and peer to peer online play.