Red Youth (Netherlands)

Red Youth (Dutch: Rode Jeugd) was a communist organization in the Netherlands. It originated in the group around the periodical Rode Jeugd, which had been started by the pro-China Rode Vlag-grouping in 1966. In October 1967 the group around Rode Jeugd broke away, and formed their own organisation, Red Youth. After the Red Youth congress in July 1971 the 'economists', based in the Red Youth branches in Amsterdam and Kampen, broke away and formed the Red Youth (marxist-leninist). At the same time two other Red Youth branches broke away, Rotterdam and Nijmegen.

Red Youth (Netherlands)

Red Youth (Dutch: Rode Jeugd) was a communist organization in the Netherlands. It originated in the group around the periodical Rode Jeugd, which had been started by the pro-China Rode Vlag-grouping in 1966. In October 1967 the group around Rode Jeugd broke away, and formed their own organisation, Red Youth. After the Red Youth congress in July 1971 the 'economists', based in the Red Youth branches in Amsterdam and Kampen, broke away and formed the Red Youth (marxist-leninist). At the same time two other Red Youth branches broke away, Rotterdam and Nijmegen.