Refinery CMS

Refinery CMS, often shortened to Refinery, is an open source content management system written in Ruby as a Ruby on Rails web application with jQuery used as the JavaScript library. Refinery CMS supports Rails 3.2 and Rails 4.2 via 3.0.0. Refinery differs from similar products by targeting a non-technical end user and allowing the developer to create a flexible website rapidly by staying as close as possible to the conventions of the Ruby on Rails framework. Version 1.0.0 was released on 28 May 2011 - exactly 2 years after it was first released as open source software.

Refinery CMS

Refinery CMS, often shortened to Refinery, is an open source content management system written in Ruby as a Ruby on Rails web application with jQuery used as the JavaScript library. Refinery CMS supports Rails 3.2 and Rails 4.2 via 3.0.0. Refinery differs from similar products by targeting a non-technical end user and allowing the developer to create a flexible website rapidly by staying as close as possible to the conventions of the Ruby on Rails framework. Version 1.0.0 was released on 28 May 2011 - exactly 2 years after it was first released as open source software.