Regions of Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is divided into 13 regions (Arabic: مناطق إدارية‎‎; manātiq idāriyya, sing. منطقة إدارية; mintaqah idariyya). Each region is divided into governorates (Arabic: محافظات‎‎; muhafazat, sing. محافظة; muhafazah) and the region capital, which has the status of municipality (amanah) headed by mayors (amin). Of these two, there exist 118 entities. The governorates are further subdivided into sub-governorates (marakiz, sing. markaz).

Regions of Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is divided into 13 regions (Arabic: مناطق إدارية‎‎; manātiq idāriyya, sing. منطقة إدارية; mintaqah idariyya). Each region is divided into governorates (Arabic: محافظات‎‎; muhafazat, sing. محافظة; muhafazah) and the region capital, which has the status of municipality (amanah) headed by mayors (amin). Of these two, there exist 118 entities. The governorates are further subdivided into sub-governorates (marakiz, sing. markaz).