Residentie Orchestra

Het Residentie Orkest (literal translation, The Residence Orchestra; known also in English as The Hague Philharmonic) is a Dutch orchestra based in The Hague. Its primary venue is the Dr. Anton Philipszaal. Henri Viotta founded the orchestra in 1904. Its early home was the Gebouw voor Kunsten en Wetenschappen (K & W). The orchestra received its first acclaim during the 1911 Richard Strauss Festival, in which the composer himself conducted some of his works. The orchestra soon attracted other composers such as Igor Stravinsky, Max Reger, Maurice Ravel, and Paul Hindemith.

Residentie Orchestra

Het Residentie Orkest (literal translation, The Residence Orchestra; known also in English as The Hague Philharmonic) is a Dutch orchestra based in The Hague. Its primary venue is the Dr. Anton Philipszaal. Henri Viotta founded the orchestra in 1904. Its early home was the Gebouw voor Kunsten en Wetenschappen (K & W). The orchestra received its first acclaim during the 1911 Richard Strauss Festival, in which the composer himself conducted some of his works. The orchestra soon attracted other composers such as Igor Stravinsky, Max Reger, Maurice Ravel, and Paul Hindemith.