Road skating

Road skating is the sport of skating (inline skating or roller skating) on roads, much like road cycling. It shares much with inline speed skating. Roadskaters often skate in tight packs, drafting each other and sharing the lead, which allows a pack to travel faster than an individual skater. The individual members of a pack use comparatively less energy than the lone skater traveling at the same speed. Even the lead skater in the pack enjoys an advantage from the drafting skaters behind.

Road skating

Road skating is the sport of skating (inline skating or roller skating) on roads, much like road cycling. It shares much with inline speed skating. Roadskaters often skate in tight packs, drafting each other and sharing the lead, which allows a pack to travel faster than an individual skater. The individual members of a pack use comparatively less energy than the lone skater traveling at the same speed. Even the lead skater in the pack enjoys an advantage from the drafting skaters behind.